Message from the CEO, Tiana Joyner – January 2024
January 3, 2024
We build through partnership.
Each Durham Habitat home is built in partnership with homebuyers working toward homeownership, volunteers giving their time, donors like you funding our programs, and with community partners supporting our mission.
It’s these partnerships that help expand our impact in Durham.
As I complete my first year as CEO of HFHD, I’m amazed at all we have achieved this year, together!
Here are just a few examples:
- With input from you and other stakeholders, we developed a new strategic plan to guide our work over the next three years.
- We’ve shifted our focus towards advancing strategic partnerships within the Durham community and placing equity, diversity, and inclusion at the forefront.
- Our administrative offices have found a new home in a location that better suits our community’s needs, and we are excited to be located near other nonprofit organizations.
- And we built! With your help, we constructed and repaired homes in Durham, providing more affordable homeownership opportunities in this wonderful, shared community.
But our work is never done. It is only as strong as the partnerships that make it possible; our effectiveness is a result of your dedication and continued generous support.
We are thankful for your commitment, and we look forward to another year in partnership with you.
With Gratitude,
Tiana Joyner
Habitat for Humanity of Durham
P.S. If you would like to support our momentum and mission, please make a gift today.