Durham Habitat is currently recruiting AmeriCorps members
AmeriCorps is a federal agency that connects people with opportunities to serve their community and address the most critical issues faced in the country. During their ten-and-a-half month service, most AmeriCorps positions involve practical labor on volunteer management teams, new home construction, or home maintenance.
For a full overview of available positions please email:
Construction Crew Leader – New Construction
24-25 service year
AmeriCorps members will help Durham Habitat extend its reach into the community and provide an educational and rewarding environment for volunteers and homeowner families. Durham Habitat will work on single site infill construction and larger scale block building. The members will help manage and develop groups of skilled and unskilled volunteers and homeowner families on the build sites, all while maintaining a safe, efficient work environment.
Repairs Coordinator – Part-Time
Filled for 24-25 service year
Durham Habitat’s Critical & Urgent Repairs program is intended to help Durham homeowners with limited income correct substandard housing conditions, which pose an imminent threat to life, safety, or accessibility. The goals of the program are to protect Durham’s current affordable housing stock and allow Durham residents to age in place with dignity. Typical home repairs include, but are not limited to replacing floors, putting ramps on decks, updating bathrooms, and replacing roofs. Due to the nature of their position, they will have less interaction with volunteers, but we do expect them to come away with an increased comfort level engaging with and working with the homeowners and partner families.
Volunteer Engagement Coordinator
Filled for 24-25 service year
At Durham Habitat, the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator will work directly with the Volunteer Engagement Supervisor to build relationships in the community to grow the overall volunteer base and advance individual, group, and corporate partnerships. They will assist with the cultivation of sponsorship groups and work to convert volunteers into donors. They will assist with creating opportunities for volunteers to engage with the mission of Habitat for Humanity. They support the Volunteer Engagement Supervisor with all aspects of volunteer engagement, including communication, database maintenance and analytics, and promoting volunteer opportunities as they arise.
Community Outreach Coordinator
Filled for 24-25 service year
The Community Outreach Coordinator will work directly with the Communications and Brand Manager to build relationships in the community to grow the overall support and volunteer base and advance individual, group, and corporate engagement. They will assist with the cultivation of media partnerships with corporate groups and in coordinating specific marketing and communication activities by creating opportunities for volunteers to engage with the mission of Habitat for Humanity.
What are the benefits of joining AmeriCorps?
AmeriCorps members serve for approximately 10 and a half months and in addition to the reward of serving to help meet the housing needs of Durham, the benefits of service include, but not limited to:
- Segal Education Award
- Student loan deferment
- Skills and training
- Living allowance
- Healthcare
- Education Award upon completion of service to help pay for college, graduate school, or vocational training, or to repay student loans
- $800 FT / $400 PT housing stipend (paid by Durham Habitat)
- $40 phone stipend (paid by Durham Habitat)